Table of Contents
In testing the installation the following errors occurred and the resolution of each error is detailed in this document.
1. Cannot run sapinst.exe ‐ Java needs to be installed, e.g. Java JRE6, search on the web for download Java Runtime.
2. In opening CSADMIN in SAP I get a http 401 error. This is a security error with the Windows Server Firewall see Appendix B to resolve.
3. In SAP using CSADMIN when connecting or creating the user id and password I am asked for is not recognised. Suggestion user the local administrator user id for the Windows Server the Content Server resides on. If this does not work use the servername\administrator_userid in the user id box and enter the password.
4. In SAP using CSADMIN when creating the Content Repository, using the create tab, a http 500 error appears, repeat tasks 5, 6 and 7 in the section ‘Windows Server Tasks to perform before Configuring SAP’ .
5. Task 5 and 6 using the icacls commands do not work, try using cacls as in SAP notes.