SAP ASE Server Health Check

It will display current running processes:

1> sp_who
2> go

It will display processes which is running by “dbmaint” user id:

1> sp_who 'dbmaint'
2> go

It will display databases names available on Server:

1> sp_helpdb
2> go

It will display the cpu details:

1> sp_monitor
2> go

It will display the max memory available. We need to check usually when we are going to do any parameter changes .

1> sp_monitorconfig "max memory"
2> go

Usage information at date and time: Jun 5 2017 7:37AM.

Name       Num_free Num_active Pct_act Max_Used Reuse_cnt
max memory 1988192  6201808    75.72    6201808  0
(1 row affected)
(return status = 0)

It will display multiple parameters. Number of locks,number of open objects,number of open partitions,number of worker processes,number of user connection and procedure cache size and many more.

1> sp_monitorconfig 'all'
2> go

To check Blocking On Server (if any):

1> select physical_io,cpu,blocked,time_blocked,spid,cmd from master..sysprocesses where blocked<>0
2> go

To check running spid and blocking spid corresponds to that (if any):

1> select spid ,blocked from sysprocesses where blocked>0
2> go

To check Log Suspend:

1> select * from master..sysprocesses where cmd like 'LOG%'

To check details of particular spid:

1> select * from master..sysprocesses where spid=abc
2> go

Host level Commands:

To check Dataservers avaialble or running on Host:

ps -aef |grep dataserver

To check Backupserver status avaialble or running on Host:

ps -aef |grep backupserver

To check server Start time:

select @@boottime

To check Server name:

select @@servername

To check Server ASE version:

select @@version

To check Date on Server Level:

select getdate()

To check errorlog path from server level:

select @@errorlog

To check Backupserver Status:
