SAP Spool (Output) Management


Causes, Impacts

  • It is important to monitor the performance of SAP spool system regularly in order to forestall avoidable errors. Using SAP CCMS, the status of the spool system can be easily discovered and open alerts can be analyzed.
  • The spool consistency check is used to determine inconsistency in the tables containing spool requests, output requests, and output data.
  • To maintain a healthy spool database, regular spool consistency check must be performed as well as deletion of old spool requests, to avoid capacity issues. Considering the performance effect of running a spool consistency check, it is recommended to schedule it at an off-peak period.


How is it monitored?

    • It is recommended to run the following reports regularly in order to avoid common errors such as spool overflow:
      • Spool consistency check can be carried out using the report RSPO1043. This checks tables: TSP01, TSP02, TST01, and TST03 as well as other TSP* tables.
      • Report RSPO1042 finds and deletes ADS files for which there is no longer a spool request.
    • It is recommended to run the following reports regularly in order to avoid common errors such as spool overflow:
      • For deleting outdated objects:
        • RSPO0041 (or RSPO1041),
        • RSBTCDEL2,
        • RSBDCREO
      • For consistency check:
        • RSPO1043 (daily),
        • RSTS0024 (weekly)
        • RSTS0043 (weekly).



For the main topic;
SAP BASIS and Monitoring


