Here are some important SAP profile parameters that can help the gateway performance:
The number of dialog work processes should be sufficient to handle the requests: rdisp/wp_no_dia is recommended to be set at Number of Cores x 4. You can always increase this number as long as the average CPU usage is below 80%. Check ST03 %Wait Time for DIALOG type tasks. If this values is more than 50 ms or 10% of average response time, then the number of WPs are not sufficient.
The keep-alive timeout should be set at 60 sec. The timeout is controlled by icm/keep_alive_timeout and overridden by the timeout set in the parameter icm/server_port_<xx>
The maximum number of simultaneous open connections in ICM is determnined by icm/max_conn. Set this parameter to Number of Active Users x 1.2.
Check SMICM and ensure that Peak value is less than the Maximum value against “Connections Used”. When you change icm/max_conn, change the maximum number of sockets (icm/max_sockets) to icm/max_conn x 2.
The data between ICM thread and ABAP work processes is transferred through memory pipes (MPI). The total size of shared memory used by MPIs is limited by the parameter mpi/total_size_MB. The recommendation is to set this values to Number of Active Users / 10.
Check SMICM > Goto > Memory Pipes > Display and ensure that Peal buffer usage is below Total #Mpi Buffer.
The maximum number of users per instance (rdisp/tm_max_no), the maximum number of RFC/CPIC connections on an application server (rdisp/max_comm_entries) and the maximum number of active gateway connections (gw/max_conn) should set at a value more than Number of Active Users.