Adding text to the SAP logon/login screen

Go to Transaction SE61 and select the document ‘General text’ (selection via F4 help), and create a text with the name ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO in the language defined with profile parameter zcsa/system_language.  Parameter zcsa/system_language usually have been done in (tcode – rz10 – instance profile – extended maintenance) by the basis administrator during SAP installation.

If the text does not exist in the system language, no output is made.

Note that there is space for 16 lines with 45 fixed-font characters each or for approximately 60 proportional space font characters on the logon screen.

Title lines (can be recognized by means of format keys starting with a ‘U’) are highlighted in the display.

You may also output icons at the beginning of lines by using an icon code (for example, @1D@ for the STOP icon, @EF@ for the GREEN BOX icon, @0S@ for the INFO icon, @1A@ for the WARNING icon). You can get a list of icon codes from Report RSTXICON. Pay attention to the codes with two ‘@’ symbols displayed by the report. You cannot include text symbols. The ‘include indicator’ cannot be used for this function. SUBHINT here.

These can be used on system messages as well.
